Celebrate your Aussie pride this year with a Zero Waste Australia day, complete with waste free Aussie traditions for food and drinks, outfits, decorations and activities!

Zero Waste Food
Grab your groceries package free by taking your own containers/bags to the butchers for BBQ meats, bakery for bread and your local markets for fruit and veg
Bake your own lamingtons and pavlova
Prepare a fruit plate for a healthy option
Use reusable cutlery, plates and napkins
Zero Waste Decorations
String up some thongs for a unique and reusable option
Green/yellow or blue/red/white napkins and tablecloth
Australian native flowers
Zero Waste Australia Day Outfit
The classic Australia Day attire is some swimwear worn under a singlet and shorts, paired with a pair of thongs.
To complete your outfit throw on a widebrimed straw hat
Instead of buying fluro green and yellow zinc you’ll never wear again, simply use some zinc or sunscreen you have already and paint a thick line on each cheek.
Zero Waste Drinks
If you can’t source yourself a keg of beer, make sure you’re recycling cans and bottles at the end of the day
Use real glasses or reusable plastic cups if you’re worried that it’s going to get rowdy
Hand out reusable straws
Fill your esky with frozen reusable water bottles or ice blocks, which will last all day instead of packaged servo ice
Zero Waste Australia Day Activities
Cool off by spending your Australia Day by the pool or on the beach
Listen to the Top 100 on Triple J radio
Play cricket with real equipment instead of the plastic sets
Drinking card games
Attending A Not So Zero Waste Australia Day Party
Heading to a mate's Australia Day party? A Zero Waste essential is a reusable cup or bringing recyclable cans/bottles of alcohol. This reusable cup here is insulated and is perfect for keeping your drink cold all day. In regards to food, bring along your own container (handy to take home leftovers) and reusable cutlery or simply ask for a reusable option from your host and clean them when you are done.
Do you have any other Zero Waste Australia Day ideas?
Let me know in the comments below!